In 1987 at the start of my final year of school, my parents moved interstate and the two schools systems didn’t align. So, I either had to repeat a year (even though I hadn’t failed), or leave school. I made the decision to leave and started my adult life as a high-school dropout.
Nic Lucas Articles
Just a thought today about hands-on versus hands-off care.
I came into Osteo a firm believer that manipulation was what was needed to ‘correct’ what was wrong. That’s because of how my Osteo indoctrinated me. The more I studied research, though, the more this idea started to fall apart … and I’m talking 1995-1996 here.

Upcoming Employment Workshop!
Employment Workshop Update.
To be announced soon.
When the external environment shifts dramatically, it can be hard to know which direction is the right one. In this one-on-one session with Jade Scott you'll work through easing the pressure on you as a business owner.
The current pressure on business owners has forced us to find ‘an new normal’ and alter at a pace never seen before. The ability to see through this maze of uncertainty is a focus of the session. As well as how to effectively communicate these changes to your team, especially as novel pockets of growth become available.