Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Supercharge Your Clinic and Transform Your Learning! ChatGPT is an insanely powerful tool that’s reshaping how we work, how we live, and how we do business. With it’s vast knowledge base and cutting-edge language processing...
Worth Knowing Articles
Hedonic Adaptation: A term we should all be familiar with
Hedonic Adaptation: A term we should all be familiar with “Do you ever stop?” “You’re always so busy.” These phrases became increasingly familiar as I pushed towards the end of the sh*t show that was 2022! As I look to a new year and start to prioritise things...
Recalibration: How to Lead When Everyone in the World is Flat
Recalibration: How to Lead When Everyone in the World is Flat ‘Flat’ is probably not the best use of the word right now, but to me, it seems fitting in this current climate. Interest rates are going up, the cost of living is high and I may need to sell a child...
Be Courageous
Be Courageous My brave insight into being a big hearted Boss Lady, and for those about to take the next step... Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one thing everyday that scares you.” Well, I am nailing it, because I’m sh*t scared by being a business owner everyday....
5 Characteristics of an Empathetic Leader and Why We Need More of Them
5 Characteristics of an Empathetic Leader and Why We Need More of Them The word "leader" sounds enticing, but it comes with heavy responsibility. Leadership is a privilege not a title. Being a leader is no easy task and is more than just delegating jobs in the...
The Upside of the Downside
The Upside of the Downside. Over the past month, many family members, friends, and colleagues of mine have asked me how I’ve been able to remain unapologetically optimistic as a business owner and leader throughout the COVID experience? Many assumed that I...
What have we learnt this year?
What have we learnt this year? 2020 ended, the first few months of 2021 went by – many of us may have thought we were in the clear. 2021 didn’t turn out the way we expected. 2021 was another year of learning. Your learning may have come in the form of personal...
Part 2: The Amicable Staff Exit – Important Advice for Healthcare Business Owners & Associates
Part 2: The Amicable Staff Exit - Important Advice for Healthcare Business Owners & Associates Opening a clinic next door can be inherently risky for all parties on all levels — financial, reputational, legal, strategic. Non-compete kilometre radius restrictions...
Tools to Lead when we don’t know what’s next
Tools to lead when we don’t know what’s next I’ve always been comfortable being myself. Leadership is scary. Nobody wants to be the centre of everybody’s attention, and nobody wants to be judged. Being confident in your own skin, believing in your own skills...
5 Tips to Making GREAT Decisions
5 Tips to Making GREAT Decisions I know when I first started my business, it felt like everything was urgent. Almost like if I didn’t make an instant decision, the opportunity would disappear or the problem would turn into a catastrophe. Perhaps, as health...

Upcoming Employment Workshop!
Employment Workshop Update.
To be announced soon.
When the external environment shifts dramatically, it can be hard to know which direction is the right one. In this one-on-one session with Jade Scott you'll work through easing the pressure on you as a business owner.
The current pressure on business owners has forced us to find ‘an new normal’ and alter at a pace never seen before. The ability to see through this maze of uncertainty is a focus of the session. As well as how to effectively communicate these changes to your team, especially as novel pockets of growth become available.