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Worth Knowing Articles

Meet Our GRx Rising-Star Finalists 2020

Meet Our GRx Rising-Star Finalists 2020

Over the past few months GrowthRx have been observing, watching and searching for the next ‘up-and-coming’ leaders in healthcare. After months of competitive nominations, these incredible emerging leaders have joined our short-list of inspiring young individuals ‘Worth Knowing’ in allied health.

We are proud to introduce you to this year’s finalists and their passion for helping others…

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Upcoming Employment Workshop!
Employment Workshop Update.

To be announced soon. 

When the external environment shifts dramatically, it can be hard to know which direction is the right one. In this one-on-one session with Jade Scott you'll work through easing the pressure on you as a business owner.

The current pressure on business owners has forced us to find ‘an new normal’ and alter at a pace never seen before. The ability to see through this maze of uncertainty is a focus of the session. As well as how to effectively communicate these changes to your team, especially as novel pockets of growth become available.